
Mixes Vs Albums

 Finding it very hard to find an album that enthralls me for it's entirety, using mixes and playlists to puppeteer my own albums. Maybe a DJ is an album puppetteer 
  Zouma kicking cat = bad form Eating 2,000 chickens, 10 cows & 31 pigs in the average lifetime = that's ok though Nm the countless other acts we directly or indirectly harm or kill species by

You're not shadowbanned, you're just a cunt

Just realised breakfast means break the fast

The people very likely to tell you about how many bitcoin they have are also the ones that never seem to cashout? Like you never see their "wealth".

Neil Young saying what he wants about not letting others to say what they want

The people who most care about us never especially admire our achievements; they liked us all along anyway.

Portugal is fulla spanish students

  Covid has served as a nice step back to reassess and prepare for the imminent Spanish student Footpathocalypse of summer 22. Megaphones/sirens? footpaths? Create another virus? The solution...Hyenas! These lads in Nigeria have the suss, not a Spanish student to be seen

Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. letter to Joë Bousquet, 13 April 1942; Simone Pétrement Simone Weil: A Life (1976) tr. Raymond Rosenthal

All sins are attempts to fill voids. Gravity and Grace (1948)

All downloads are digital so we can all stop saying "Digital download". There is literally no such thing as an analogue download.

  Nobody is really that productive, the world is split into people who are honest about how lazy they are, and people who aren't. People that can't crop their screenshots properly are the real scourge to humanity Is Twitter for those who were bullied in school and this is their sweet revenge?

Madness in groups is to be accepted, mass psychosis, but for whoever steps out of this madness and is clinically mad, may they be condemned.

I wish people passing by could hear into my headphones and so they too could listen to fucking bangers

 Is that how a dj feels

Women feeling uncomfortable on their own planet

Honestly, I can get my head around a concept on the things that go without saying clearly do need to be said. If you sit there in silence when you know another man has harmed a woman, you’re the problem. It’s time for men and women to stand up to any disgusting pig that makes a woman feel uncomfortable on this planet.   Be it a raised hand, a weird look or a snide comment - d on’t fucking allow it, and go out of your way to put the most resilient, loving, giver of life on the pedestal they deserve to be on. There’s nothing scummier than making the giver of life feel uncomfortable on what should be deemed there planet.

To be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society is no sign of health. -Krishnamurti

Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche,

for all ments of beauty many souls must be trampled - Hunter s thompson

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man - Heraclitus

Opposites Attract

Rain politely drums on the sills and bonnets, The dampened air marches ominous and omnipotent, Two kindred souls lie speechless drowning in the same light, Silence undeterred by percolating words, Hurt and hurt and hurt and hurt, The incomprehensible clouding lust, Attempting to fathom the unjust of being not just. Why do shadows of the past dance in the future, Amidst the fog of older souls, lie ghosts of what could have been, Words avoid leaving permanent voids Holes that can never be filled


Still while the world whirls Still with scattered showers Still birds soar and tails wag and still, nothing happens

Fish don't realise they swim in water

  Fish don’t know they’re in water. If you tried to explain it, they’d say, “Water? What’s water?” They’re so surrounded by it that it’s impossible to see. They can’t see it until they jump outside of it. This is how I feel about culture.  We’re so surrounded by it that it’s impossible to see. Many things we think are true are really just our local culture. We can’t see it until we get outside of it.

Yogi Berra "you can observe a lot just by watching"

Here, for you.

To whom do I owe this existence, Curating canvasses of meaning Trudging mixed and muddied waters To decorate already ornate halls Devoid of meaning, in debt to those that I love. Catalysts of coping, smiles in guise, for those I love.

If time is money then ATMs are time machines

In vince ible

If I am still alive, there's nothing that can kill me. Based on my own personal experience.

Eyeballs Only Protruding Part of Brain

Sensitivity or resistance to hypnotism can mean brain is in protect mode /narrow minded Vision in landscape when relaxed Pigeon holed when focussed stressed or fighting

Fuckery Afoot

To play games with someone's emotions regardless of how invested or in debt you are is a form of assault. To say all you want to is make everyone happy, and to crush a soul in the process is a condemning act.

History of Philsophy - Fueling Hate



The best way to learn is to laugh at your idiocracy comfortbaly, call yourself a clown, you expect yourself to fail but for a bit of fun; you might as well try learn somethings before hand, but still expect yourself to fail


Eleusis - Wikipedia

  Ergot  is a fungus that grows on rye and less commonly on other grasses such as wheat.  Ergot  has an interesting history. During the Middle Ages, ergotism, a severe reaction to  ergot -contaminated food (such as rye bread), was common and was known as St. Anthony's fire.


  The most spiritual painting I have done. Sun shining, butterflies, the crow watching all weekend. It was so touching to see her Dad smile, and her mam adore it.  The subconscious selection of stargazer lillies was more than a coincidence, Nadine's mam and her used to buy them every week - she was a flower lady not too into bouquets but loved the smell of lillies. 

To allow yourself to be loved means you must feel worthy of being loved

We are psychologically perverted in a way that some people think money is real wealth - alan Watts

 MOre quote from  Unable to distinct from ourselves and our depiction of ourselves, and we get unhappy because we perceive of ourselves and think we are going to die Who you think you are is entirely dependant on who you are told you are The past doesn't dictate the present as the tail doesn't dictate the dog We're all god in disguise, Jesus was crucified for figuring that out

White-tailed Eagle Above Glanmore Lake Friday 4th Sept 2020

 Only waited about 5 years to see this - staring into the sky but still gratuitous and appreciative of Red Kites 

Kev Sharkey Says to Just Put Street (Graffiti) on Canvas

We Swim to Be

 We swim to be as occupy our mind with being - no notifications only waves, no vibrations only rays

Running and Dancing to a Meditation

 The physical act of running or dancing lets your subconscious and unconscious move your body.  The conscious brain dances itself to another place and the unconscious controls the physical. As animals rarely have conscious minds, dancing and running honestly bring us back to our animal state, and we feel what normal is again.

Love & Understanding

Why would you not love every one? What is there to be gained from not loving every one and every thing? If you exude hate there's a much higher chance of the hate being reciprocated and spread like wildfire. Understanding others is helpful, but when understanding is absent, a fallback plan is to love.  Love for sorrow, love for misery, love for joy, love for forgiveness, understand to love for those who haven't found how to love yet.

Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

Imitation Game

Where do you get your lack of ideas from

Bipolar Bear X Trouble Club


It is What it is

What it is is the most redundant platitude to exist

Anti-Social Media

  A new social media would be nice if it wasn't social and it was just your own posts and thoughts, and nobody saw them. It's called a brain, keep it to yourself

Real Joy

  There is no better buzz than making someone else happy. Can be hard ó háim go táim but worth it

Painting - Circular piece of wood with portal to view of potters point || Sea photo with red sun on piece of wood || Small landscape on brick

Maybe Music Without Words Distracts My Brain From Getting Distracted

ADHD can't work without music, much to my housemates annoyance Music with words distracts me

You’d wonder who was the first person to notice that swallows migrate

I’m fucking telling ya Linda that is the exact same fucking swallow I saw in South Africa 6 weeks ago Probably ended up in a divorce

The Red Cathedral of Bella Akhmadulina

I love Swallows for their grace and delightful flights of resilience and strife for improving lives. I was too young and ignorant to ever try digest Philip's poem but I know there is a triangular spiritual connection between my godfather, the swallows and I. They inspire me, they inspired him and it is fitting they were at my christening. As absurd and egotistical as it sounds, I feel like they are going to play a bigger part in my life somehow, or hopefully maybe I might play a part in one of theirs. Philip will always inspire me, he was the warmest and most loved human I know. Maybe losing a limb allowed him to fly more elegantly through the waves and pressures of life. I think Philip being alive allowed me to pursue the arts, and thus saved my soul. He was my real career guidance counsellor merely by existing, by making expression and perception his purpose. Photo in Cork 12.08.2020 - the swallows at home are playfully preparing for their big trip down south, from wire to wire a

Divine Inspiration for Painting - Allihies 12082020 avec/ longest run so far


porridge bread

put in oven until smells good

Love Knows no Common Sense

We left feeling right to leave Whether no warning of the eternal grief Now damned, death may be a small relief I'm lucky I have reasons not to die I'm lucky I had something to make it hard to say goodbye I really hope no one ever loves me, and I'm sorry if you ever had I feel like I've hurt others hearts for the one I wish I had

Why are Planes not Painted Like Dragons, Arrows and Swallows

 And boats as blue whales

A Rave is the Most Peaceful Place on Earth

to find yourself to lose yourself to find themselves to lose themselves to find ourselves to lose ourselves Laughs are gas coming straight from the poppers  Bastards laugh at the chase from the coppers In tents sex intense sweat Heated conversations and deep cold breaths The dark dewy grass shakes your serotonin to the bones Until we're reminded the sun never set the days before You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Hold me for the weeks after until the darkness leaves, You're the best friend a friend could be, I hope we talk when the happiness leaves This is what I'm meant to be doing This is what you're meant to be doing We are free We are in love As transparent as humans that have rid themselves of ego As transient passionate kisses fleet, where did she go  Into the shadows, I'm glad to share my best moments with you, fellow brothers and sisters From the trenches celebrating the earth with gurners and listeners Take me to your watering hole bye-

Keep Flipping to the B Sides of Life

Analogue forces you to engage, feel and abandon the monotonous and over-saturated digital.

I Think This is the First Time I've Seen a Poem Destroy All Other Possible Mediums - by Laura


Timeline from NCAD talk on Creativity & Mental Illness


If I Was an Artist I'd Be Afraid to Look at Other People's Works of Art

 I am an artist and I'm constantly influenced to the point of no originality

Making Rope from Flax

  Learnt in Maori village in NZ Flax from Brittas, Laura did the beautiful pleats How to do it but maybe nicer just using brain filing cabinet

Hits of Crits

If you are often exposed to  criticism - only take on board those opinions you would have asked for

Best Day Set - Bonobo NTS  

Ginger People are (?) Immune to Corona Virus

I'm yet to see a ginger with the virus, and no one has ever reported seeing the Corona Virus and ginger people in the same room = > Ginger people ARE Corona Virus Maybe it's payback for all the years of slagging we've had to endure //// or maybe the Corona Virus only attacks things with souls  What would debunk these theories is that it is probably possible that ginger people get corona virus

Clear Mac memory

---- shift-command-G in finder ----- ~/Library/Caches. ------- Select all and delete amigo x

Put the Oven in the Duck until the Bill Withers ?

  Bill Withers - Sellout ... I'm not crazy about the word. We're all entrepreneurs. To me, I don't care if you own a furniture store or whatever - the best sign you can put up is  SOLD OUT .


My confidence has taken many dents but for the first time in my life I have adequate confidence in my ability to talk as if I'm confident. I'm too aware that my ability is never as good as others, I can't fully blame my short attention span for never mastering any medium as the sole reason; therefore, I do not deserve to be confident. However, if I learn how to sell myself even if it's faux confidence, then hopefully, any buyers won't be too displeased with my original pirate material.

ORNATE / ORN8 - Good Graffiti Name


Homosapiens are human beings Homosentients are human doings The difference between being conscious of perceiving as a human and being conscious by feeling as a human

Time it takes me to do something

Y (how long I think it will take to do something) x 3 + y3 (fag breaks) + 1/2 hour (late) = X (Time it takes to actually do something)

Collab with rugby frond Shane Ha for Arklow Jam


Seeing Beauty Through a Black Mirror


bipolar gift

When your minds working more creatively and faster than everyone else

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" -Winnie the Pooh.

Amygdala hijack

Your eyes are literally an extension of your brain, the only protruding part of your brain. In some eyes you can see fear, others you can see potential murder, and you can also see if someone has opened their brain and pupils to be schooled with mind-opening substances. To see is if someone is susceptible to a variance in emotions, nearly neuroticism, you can see the eye twitch more - open to relaxing, open to fear, open to hypnotism; a wild see-saw of what you see and saw. Whereas a balanced human can control this nerve, as they are on guard and protective. The Amygdala is a part of the brain (the brain, an extension of the eyes or maybe vice-versa) which can be hijacked, and it is the part of the brain which controls fear. Those that are balanced can control this hijack but those that display a wild variant of emotions are at a superior disadvantage to be overwhelmed with fear, letting their eyeballs do all of their thinking. With neurotics eyes being constantly bombarded with

5G Virtue Signalling

To shout: "End Direct Provision" or "End Homelessness" means nothing until you let these people stay in your house. . The real heroes never shout, they merely act, silently. The louder you shout about someone else's problems instead of acting on a solution, makes the pitch echo and bellow a lot more about your own issues than the issue you're addressing.

Wether the Weather Bothers

Depends entirely on how long you've lived in Ireland Stop shuffling my weather playlist you cunt

Percolating Reign

Percolating rain You too lay insane Truth to state the tame Choose to stay the same Flew in chase of reign Who you hate in vain Bruise the tainted fame N 卐 t see? H  it lears;   fleeting smells the former dwells - the reigns of olds terror have inundated the shadows of the "educated", anne frankly only a few retaliated.


Faux charisma is a soul traded for the need of acceptance

To network for net worth is gross

Touch Here for Acceptance

When we are rejected for a job or a relationship the pain is the unconscious telling you that are now isolated and alone; and as the unconscious is constantly tuned into caveman station this rejection means you about to die broooo. Some big woolly mammoth is about to devour you as an aperitif and that pain in your Tommy tum-tum is a survival instinct, you need to be accepted or die. The opposite to isolation or rejection is the touch and feel of another's skin; even though we are all made of the exact same, the touch of another’s exact same either comforts or arouses.  Of all the senses, touch seems to be the most powerful - while tasting food means you will not die, smelling flora means growth, seeing is for safety and hearing  portrays that you are not alone,  touching another’s skin will mean you are not alone.  To touch another intimately or friendly means you are not at a higher risk of dying, you are alive and accepted as a human bean. The youth of tomorrow are going


It’s like people have been dying to be afraid of dying to make their lives more alive - but how can you really be alive if you live a life afraid of dying Edit: I didn't realise it wasn't normal to be happy to be alive but also happy to be dead :/ Found being happy to be dead as a symptom of someone being suicidal, but I'm also happy to be alive?  I need to read more


You should not cause hurt while on the planet, to harm someth ing you are a part of and immersed in until death, is self-sabotage. You cannot complain about traffic when in traffic.

Timing is Everything

I’m not supposed to be on this planet, well I am, but not right now. So I escape this badly-timed disaster through music, gestures and nature.  My soul is liberated to move with the sounds of the world, to run with my thoughts and dance with other lost souls, until the time is right.

Words Matter but are not Matter but Concepts

All things are composed by what the conscious eye perceives and constructs from them, original works of the mind.  Things are not compiled by other's words; words can only printed or spoken and are devoid of formulating anything tangible other than a  book, article or sounds; and can only ever culminate into an opinion. Which makes these words redundant.

A Youtube Comment that Changed my Life


Never let a clock tell you what you got time for - Fontaines DC

A cow is never stressed because she is late

Creativity - How to Manipulate Abstraction

 Find first subject and it’s core values  + Find other subject(s) and apply it’s primary values (shape, colour, theory or sound) to first subject  = New perspective or new product . . any ⊂_ヽ   \\ update    \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)     > ⌒ヽ    /   へ\    /  / \\on that    レ ノ   ヽ_つ   / /   / /|  ( (ヽ  | |、\inovice?  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / ノ )  Lノ (_/

16 Bars for Depression

Ya know the way there’s songs and theres a couple of rhythms in each tune; like drums vocals, chorus but some definite and some not so definite, but the brain is like yeahhhh I fucking dig these audio things coming in to my ear drums, as opposed to the rhythm of a washing machine or a consaw. Then is it because the brain likes certain rhythms combined and some unexpected ones with big drops or high-pitched melodies, like the mundane 24 bars in a day  consisting of the nice like going to sleep, eating, drinking, helping people and exercise are your lil drums, the are your beat patterns. Some beats can be or are deeper and saltier than others at times too. But then like unexpected hooks of occasional sunsets or belly rubs and then these big drops of sex, good laughs or hitting a bullseye. The horrible breakdowns actually leading to breakdowns like suffering or unexpected death. And then some songs and rhythms are only nice at certain times of day? To suit your circadian rhythm perhaps?


Notes: not enough variation in grey - had to cover in Siberian Grey lightly to lighten Highlights and Shadows all done in White - Should have mixed Mix of colours - Watercolour splashes and spray paint behind face doesn't make sense Scale and proportions good